Monday, September 5, 2016

Why We believe the Bible

This is the sermon from College Park Church, Mark Vroegop, on August 14, 2016.

Doctrine of Inspiration. Means the foundation of life is rooted in the authority of the Bible

Inerrancy. Bible always tells the truth. Scripture in the original manuscripts does not affirm anything that is contrary to fact. Without error.

Thinking you have to have proof about how the Bible passage is correct or inerrant is doubting God. Thinking you must know better than God.

Three characteristics of the trustworthiness of the Bible:

1. The prophetic word is historical. "For" goes back to something else. 

2.  It is written. Peter is just confirming the prophetic Word in His writings. V,19, v20 prophecy. All point us to the written Word. His eye witness testimony only confirms that God's prophetic word is true.

Cling to the inerrant, trustworthy Word.
3. It is supernatural even though written by humans as all prophecy is from God.v21 men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit.

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