Monday, September 5, 2016

John 13

I)     The Upper Room Discourse—John 13-17
A)   The Olivet Discourse is given in Matthew, Mark, and Luke
B)   It occurs on the first day of Unleavened Bread (Passover)
1)   Passover, 14th of Nissan—(Matt. 26:17; Mark 14:12; Luke 22:7)
2)   The actual meal is served after dark—(Luke 22:14-23)
3)   The dispute that occurs at dinner—(Luke 22:24)
II)   The John account of Jesus’ actions—John 13:1-6
A)   Facts for the believer
1)   The Love of Christ
2)   Loved (aorist) them to the end (Telious)—Phil 1:6
3)   Jesus knew what was facing Him, no self absorption found here
4)   Do we know who we are?  Do we know where we are going?—John 13:3 - family is important (son of, son of,,etc.)
B)   The action of service
1)   He is wearing a tunic - not the outer garment but the under garment?. Garment with fringe and tassel - His rank shows with this. It is His authority. He is setting this aside.
2)   The act of foot washing - usually the lowest servants did this.
III) The teaching of this object lesson—John 13:7
A)   Like much of the rest of the Gospel of John, the disciples didn’t understand yet
1)   Know. The disciples didn’t “oida” (revealed knowledge) now, but they will “gnosco” (by experience you will know) later (by experience-in the trenches)
2)   If you do not wash, you have no part in Jesus. Washing - baths (had to take multiple nikvas to get into temple  - started at the bottom of the hill and bathed in different nikvas on the way - you had to be cleansed to be in the temple - you have to do it - no one else can do it for you)
(a) There is a once for all time washing, i.e. Heb. 10:10; 22
(b) There is a daily washing as in here—John 13:10 (Psalm 119:9; Eph. 5:26)
(c)  Jesus cleanses our daily walk
B)   Not all of the disciples were clean—John 13:10, 11, and 18. He chose Judas. Two sons of perdition in the Bible...Judas and Ahipafel (advisor to king? )- Bathsheba's grandfather?
1)   The trader was chosen
2)   This was to fulfill Scripture (compare Psalm 41:9 to John 13:18). Difference - not his friend and doesn't trust him. Dissect or divide the scriptures.
C)   The punch line--John 13:12
1)   Teacher and kurios (authority) - kurios is Lord. "Ought" means you owe this to fellow Christians. Fiduciary responsibility puts their needs above yours-foot washing
2)   Do as I do (We owe this to Him)
3)   Verily, Verily if you know this truth and obey it, it will lead to blessing—John 13:16, 17
4)   This foot washing demonstrates Jesus’ service and humility—(Phil. 2:3-8)
5)   Compare this truth with the history that is written beforehand regarding the Church (Rev. 2, 3)
(a) The Nicolaitans (Rev 2:6)
(b) It has become the doctrine of the Nicolaitans  (Rev. 2:15)

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