Sunday, January 28, 2018


  • Acts transition to apostles. Jude about apostates.
  • Acts 20:29  - savage wolves come from elders.
  • Armour of God - seventh is prayer - our chief weapon
  • The groups - none believers, people who know the scriptures, and angels (b2 - angels that do this can never go back)
  • 1Peter 3:19 was tartare - different Greek words for hell, but w translate them ask to hell. Check original Hebrew.
  • Christians are "sons of God", so we have more privileges than OT believers.
  • Nephilim in Genesis 6:4-means fallen ones which were children of angels and humans. Angels don't need a body, but demons do. Demons are the nephilim and were destroyed in the flood-God had to save a life line for the Messiah which was Noah. Same in Deu 3:9 - Rephaites. Anakin. All are synonyms, the Genesis 6 beings...part human part angel. Isaiah 26:14 these beings will not rise...are not eligible for resurrection. They will not have a body, so they will roam around for a body...They are demons.

Ken WUest - WORD studies in the NT

Dreamers-dreaming as a way to think about things you shouldn't be thinking about. Eventually you start to act on how these dreams make you feel. So obey and focus on the truth of God's Word and then act on it. That will pull you in the right direction.

Epethumia-feelings. Our feelings deceive us. We need neutral feelings in order to correctly understand what God wants us to do. Don't let the devil convince you everything is bad. They are living in their arbitrary fancies in their own eyes

Despising authority-even seasoned saints still do this. Older people are critical because they have experienced more, but need to not be critical. Grumbling and finding fault.

V14-all ungodly word usages are the same root word. Grumblers and fault finders will be judged. How you talk when Guoyou are younger will be amplified when you are older.

Hmmm..OT talks in past tense about things are yet to come.

V14-Jude is quoting a non-canonical book from the book of Enoch? No? Doesn't mean whoever wrote book of Enoch was inspired. Jude was half brother of Christ and walked with the Twelve. We don't know how Jude knows about this prophecy from Enoch. Paul quotes pagan poets to make his points...because it was true.

Myriad means number is too big. There is no bigger number.

Genesis: Adam (man), Seth (appointed), mortal, sorrows, Mahalel (blessed of God), descending, Enoch (teaching), Methusela (death shall bring)-the year he does is the year the flood comes, despairing-died before the flood, Noah (comfort).  If you read through the definitions, it becomes the gospel.

Apostates are on the church in Jude. Believing long does of except for Enoch (a type) and Noah. Same as end times, there will be a batch of people who get carried through it. Enoch was raptured out before the judgement and same for end times.

V16-apostates-see notes above.

Revelation 13:1-9. There are different types of Saints: Saints that die off before the rapture, raptured Saints, Saints that are with him. Church Saints Satan will not prevail against because they are already gone. IN Rev. he prevails against those Saints, and they are martyred. Apostates are sub   ministers of Satan.

Daniel 11. Flattery to make a covenant. Bow is a covenant like rain bow? Fourth white horse-rider with bow.  Flattery is a lie. Making something great that isn't  Rule#1- never believe your own press. Satan's greatest weapon is deceit and subtlety. Within the church, the same thing is going to happen.

To fight apostasy - scripture - 2Peter 2:30, Acts 20:27 "earnestly contend" and "remember the words."  There will be the church, too.

Faith - Ephesians 2:8-9. No one comes to Christ...God chases us down. Once we have faith, we need to build it. Exercise your gifts...23 times in Scripture. Battle is in your and study scripture. Armor of God, pray in the Holy Spirit-7th armour of God.

Leviticus 23- feasts  had to do with prophecy.

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