Sunday, August 20, 2017

Ephesians 4

Ephesians 4

The message is always the same...As a Christian, the Lord is on my side! Not when I do wrong, but whether I do wrong or not. Whatever your day looks like…His loving arms are around you/me! 
V1-5 - bare your burdens and everyone else's
V6 share - coinania - 
V11-16 - unity - how do all the programs connect at church and what do people do once they become Christians?
 How do we create a culture of passionate followers of Jesus? The Lord said make disciples. 

The church is not an is an army. Instead of "did you have fun at church today", ask, "who did you serve today?"  What did you learn about someone else today? How did you help the church today?

"until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ. Ephesians 4:13 NIV"

Where are you at in your passions?
Prevention-v14, he warns about immaturity (act differently in different settings), instability (right church culture helps you with that-if you belong to that church body), ignorance - get off track by mockers at work or what appears to be pleasures others enjoy that you as a Christian don't. Then attend church and sing together about God and Jesus...have support.At church you are reassured, reminded of what you believe, reunited. Church prevents immaturity, instability, and ignorance.

If you are going down the wrong path, who in the church (everyone who is the image of Christ) do you know who can help you get back on track?

Where are your passions focused? Who are they focused on? You or Christ?

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