Sunday, December 10, 2017

Psalms 2 & 83 - prophecies

Psalm 2

  • Symbol for Jerusalem is lion and olive branch (peace)
  • UN - views Jerusalem as a nationalist city-owned by now one. West is occupied by Israel. Eat by Arabs.
  • Est. 1948. 
  • 1949. Israel declared eternal capital.
  • Trump declared capital of Israel this week...prophecy
  • 1995 US Congress declared Jer. as capital. Reaffirmed unanimously in 2017.
  • V1-6 - God speaking
  • V7-9 - God talking about Jesus
  • V9-12  - God talking to nations

Psalm 83 -

  • Bible students today are seeing a prophetic decree that might be occurring today.
  • Elohim Psalms 
  • Asaph (wrote about 11? Psalms) and a prophet
  • V1-4 -Israel's neighbors conspiring against them
  • Tents of Edom today-Palestinians of southern Jordan today
  • Tyre -  people are hesbolah
  • Tyre also SE of Israel
  • Sisera - king killed by women who gave him milk. Overflowing of river wiped out army...divine intervention as is normally dry.
Where does this fit in? Something has to take place to compel Israel to build their temple without retribution.