Saturday, December 17, 2016

Rejoicing in Difficulties 1Peter 1:6-12

See notes in pdf document. 

-Rejoice by reflecting on life's trials.v 3-5. Suffer according to God's will. 1Peter 4.

-Rejoice as you see refinement in your life!

-Rejoice as you are reassured of your faith.

Zechariah 10

Zechariah 10

Galations 4 - why the reincarnation (birth of Jesus) matters...

Galatians 4
Pleased to dwell series

Why does the Incarnation matter?
1. Jesus entered the world:
To be human is to be "born of woman." Jesus becomes a human.

"Born under the law." Mosaic law which reflected character and holiness of God but what impossible to meet. Under the constraints of obedience to the law.  Gal 3:23...captive under the law.  He fulfills all the requirements of the law.

"When the fullness of time comes"  God sent Jesus at just the right time.

The Lord of all submits himself to our conditions to save us. Like our evangelism...go into their world to spread Gospel. Identify with them.

We have a Savior who understands our human condition.

2. Jesus redeemed our lives
Redemption means to deliver from evil or harm or buy back. Romans 6-slaves of sin. Manumision is also redemption. In Roman world had to pay a god to free a slave/redeem. Our God isn't paid off and just watched the process...Our God came to earth and became us to free us and paid His life to free us. Jesus goes everything too redeem us...That is why it is called Grace. Gal3:10,,13, 2Cor. Jesus personally bought our redemption/freedom from the dean's of sin. He prevented us from destroying our lives.

3. Jesus changed my identity.
so that we might receive adoption as sons.  And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, “Abba! Father!”  So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God.

Changed..not just freedom, but now an adopted son. Just like God adopted the Israelites as His own and watched after then. 

Receive adoption and Spirit. Romans 8:15. Spirit of God gives us spiritual empowerment, fruit, live for God, understanding of the scripture. Also, marks us as sons of God. Makes Him our Father, Abba.

Without Jesus becoming a man, there would be no ability for us to pour our hearts out to God.He made us sons and changed our identities...we are sons and heirs. 

2Peter - His precious promises give us His divine nature...we share in the glory that belongs to Jesus.

God granted us His glory and spared us His wrath.

At Christmas, we celebrate the beginning of everything we believe.

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Christmas Themes

Pluroma of time. Pluroma- overflowing fullness
Carros. - time
Hebrew Mazeroth- constellations became
,Virgo - brightest star in constellation. Branch in one hand and seed in other hand
Ends with Leo the Lion.
Each constellation is associated with deacons...Virgo -the coming one, the ? One,  The ? ONE

All four gospels have genealogy of Christ in different views - see above
Luke - Helo was father of Mary not Joseph, Numbers 22,23.-girl can inherit based on this and husband is adopted by family so he is in the blood line

Birth - Gabriel is always on a mission for the Messiah. He promised Mary 8 promises. Jesus was born in late September or October. Same as great. John the Baptist - Passover timing of birth?

The Lord likes to reuse days. Resurrection of Christ same as Noah's ark resting. 

Magi is transliteration of what name sounds like. Parthenon empire, Medes, is Kurds today. Medes had elected kingship and Magi were the electorate. Daniel was president of Magi 500 years before. He probably prophesied about the star to pursue it when it showed up. Magi would have traveled with entourage and army. Star goes and hovers and goes and hovers. Jesus isn't a baby any longer when they find him. Micah 5:2. Two Bethlehems. Ruth connects David to Bethlehem.

Heavenly Hosts - hosts means an army of angels

Mary - back to Adam and Eve. Song of Mary - 8  (He has) of what God does for us.

Simon means hearing. Heard God about seeing the Messiah.