Saturday, October 29, 2016

John 12

  Review of Mary and Martha
A)   Works versus love—(I Cor. 13:3)
B)   How are we identified as Christians?  (John 13:34, 35)
C)   How do we get love? (Hebrew Ahab and Hessed)  (II Peter 1:5-7)
II)   The 10th of Nissan—John 12:12-26
A)   Hosanna (saved now) (Psalm 118:10-14, 19-26)
B)   The ride of a king—vs. 14 (Zechariah 9:9)
C)   The power of witness—vs. 17 (Acts 1:8)
D)   Expect opposition—vs. 19
E)   Disciples were with Him at the beginning and the end—vs. 20
F)    Grain
G)   To get real life you must give current life away—vs. 25
H)   Must be a servant to gain honor
III) The moment for resolve—vs. 27-36
A)   The hour has come
B)   The purpose of man—vs. 28 (Matt. 6:9)
1)   The voice from Heaven (thunder) (Psalm 29; Rev. 10:3-4)
2)   God will glorify His name
C)   3 kinds of people—vs 28-30
1)   Natural man—(I Cor. 2:14)
2)   Carnal man—(I Cor. 3:1)
3)   Spiritual man—(I Cor. 2:15, 16)
D)   This is the judgment of the world (the sentence will be carried out in the future)—vs.. 31
E)   The ruler of this world will be cast out—vs. 31
F)    The calling of the people (Rom. 8:30)
G)   The lifting up—vs. 32 (Numbers 21:4-9)

John 12

I. Review of Mary and Martha
A)   Works versus love—(I Cor. 13:3)
B)   How are we identified as Christians?  (John 13:34, 35) If we are loving, we will bear much fruit...we are image bearers. 
C)   How do we get love? (Hebrew Ahab and Hessed)  (II Peter 1:5-7) Virtue went out from Jesus when the woman touched his hem. Goal for a Christian, be complete. Change from a Martha to a Mary
II)   The 10th of Nissan—John 12:12-26. Three feasts required attendance. Every Jewish male that can make it must attend. Packed.
A)   Hosanna-word for branches and Palm trees (saved now) (Psalm 118:10-14, 19-26). 15 Yeshua means salvation. Hosanna means save now.
B)   The ride of a king—vs. 14 (Zechariah 9:9). Pharisees have a problem with Jesus as king. Donkey, is the ride of a king. 
C)   The power of witness—vs. 17 (Acts 1:8)
D)   Expect opposition—vs. 19
E)   Gentiles were with Him at the beginning and the end—vs. 20
F)    Grain
G)   To get real life you must give current life away—vs. 25
H)   Must be a servant to gain honor
III) The moment for resolve—vs. 27-36
A)   The hour has come
B)   The purpose of man—vs. 28 (Matt. 6:9)
1)   The voice from Heaven (thunder) (Psalm 29; Rev. 10:3-4)
2)   God will glorify His name
C)   3 kinds of people—vs 28-30
1)   Natural man—(I Cor. 2:14)
2)   Carnal man—(I Cor. 3:1)
3)   Spiritual man—(I Cor. 2:15, 16)
D)   This is the judgment of the world (the sentence will be carried out in the future)—vs.. 31
E)   The ruler of this world will be cast out—vs. 31
F)    The calling of the people (Rom. 8:30)
G)   The lifting up—vs. 32 (Numbers 21:4-9

John 12:27-50

  • V27 - Jesus prayer - Jn 2:4. Soul is the inner being of humans. 
  • V28 the Father's response. 
  • V29 the crowd's reaction. They hear thunder and think an Angel has answered from heaven.
  • V30-32 the impact. See Romans 5, 8
    • Now is the judgment of the world.
      • His soul was troubled, but now He focuses on Satan being cast out. Victory over death. Gen3:15
    • Now shall the ruler of this world be cast out.
      •  See Jn 16:11, 14:30, Eph6:12
    • And I, when I am lifted up, I will draw all (people to myself)...EVERYONE and everything to Himself and back to His Father

  • V33 John's transitional statement
  • V34 ignorance as to"who is this son of man that would die?" Rom11:33-36
  • V35-36a Jesus response light vs darkness. Col 1:13, Romans 13:12
  • V36-41 the Resurrection
  • V37 though He had done many signs before then Jn 10:38
  • V38 Isaiah 53:1
  • V39-40 Isaiah 6:10 note the difference between purpose and effect. Romans 10, 11
    • Condition of their heart would not allow them to believe. Killed true prophets many times.
  • V42 Isaiah 6:1
  • V42-43 rejection not entire- man's glory v. God's glory. 
    • Isaiah saw the glory of Christ and they didn't believe Isaiah. Now Christ had come, since they didn't believe the prophecies of Christ in Isaiah, they weren't going to believe Christ either.
  • V44-50 the judgment of the word

Zechariah 2 - Visions 2 & 3

Zechariah means Jehovah remembers. His dad's name means ? 
Angels are always helper angels. 
Holy Spirit is really our teacher.  He teaches us ALL things.
This book is quoted frequently in NT. Like Rev. With 500 OT references.
Vision 2 - horns - meaning? Righteous? What is the Greek? Vision 1-- measuring line. V15-16 get expanded in later verses.
Selah - means consider or think about it. Joshua 1:8 word means ruminate-bring back up again and again.
Lord will make you dig when studying scripture.
Measuring line in Ezekiel. Largest temple complex in the world. Measuring line usually means an expansion. Dedication of wall starts a timeline. Daniels time. Zechariah is dated in Gentile time - Luke 21.
Biography of Jerusalem - read 

Apple of my eye - in this verse it is the pupil. focused.